When you enter a nursing home, protect your spouse! - Sykes Elder Law

Certified as an elder law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation under authorization of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Certified as an elder law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation under authorization of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

When someone needs nursing home care, a spouse often remains at home. What will become of the spouse?

If this happens in your family, I urge you to take action immediately to make the spouse more secure. I feel passionately about this issue because after many years practicing elder law, I have seen spouses taken care of well, and others impoverished. I would much rather see security (financial and otherwise) for the spouse at home.

With that in mind, we recently updated our website page titled 7 Costliest Mistakes to Avoid When a Spouse Enters a Nursing Home. Click on the title to learn about simple steps you can take to maximize security for the spouse at home.

You can also read our blog post: Why use an elder law attorney to help you qualify for Medicaid? At the risk of sounding self-interested, I submit that hiring professional help is your best move. Click on the post title to learn why it is also cost-effective and better than alternatives you may be considering.

Resources exist to help you make your spouse more secure. Take advantage of them and he or she will thank you.

Do You Need Medicaid Planning?


412-531-7123 (Western PA)
215-600-0250 (Eastern PA)

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Loved one in a nursing home (or soon to be)?

Find out if they qualify for Medicaid with our FREE downloadable guide & worksheets - or call to request a free copy be mailed to you.

Get answers about how PA values assets, and calculate step-by-step whether your loved one is eligible (and if not, get advice on what to do next).

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