Elder Law Resources for Pennsylvania | Sykes Elder Law

Certified as an elder law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation under authorization of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Certified as an elder law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation under authorization of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court

Elder Law Resources

Additional Elder Law Information

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Extensive list of reading material on elder law, long-term care planning, and caring for older parents. Additional links to online resources. Searchable nationwide directory of member attorneys.

Elder Law Answers
Extensive on-line information on a variety of elder law topics.

Eldercare Locator
An online service provided by the U.S. Administration on Aging that helps the elderly, and their caregivers, find local services for seniors.

Home Caregivers

Family Caregiver Alliance
Information for home caregivers, including Caregiving in an Emergency, Coping with Problem Behaviors, and Hiring In-Home Help. Offers an online caregiver support group in which participants can talk, share ideas and strategies with other caregivers, and ask for support during a difficult moment.

Family Care America
Web site contains useful information on a broad range of caregiving issues. Topics include Caregiving Basics, Caring for Yourself, Emotional Issues, and Long-Distance Care. Also includes a number of helpful checklists and worksheets.

Caregiver Action Network
The Caregiver Action Network offers services in the areas of information and education, support and validation, and public awareness and advocacy, toward the goal of minimizing the disparity between a caregiver’s quality of life and that of mainstream Americans.

Pittsburgh Area Resources

Area Agencies on Aging
Local agencies can counsel seniors on a broad range of services, including senior community centers, assessment of needs and support services, caregiver support, information on nursing home alternatives, protection from abuse and neglect, adult foster care, advocacy for nursing home and personal care home residents, senior training and employment, and health insurance counseling.

Allegheny County

Beaver County
Click this link, then from the Human Services menu on the left, select “Office of Aging”

Washington, Fayette, and Greene Counties

Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Pennsylvania Chapter
Southwestern Regional Office

Bereavement Support
In the Pittsburgh area, the non-profit Good Grief Center for Bereavement Support provides bereavement support, workshops and seminars, support groups, and referrals for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Their library contains helpful books, brochures, videotapes and audiotapes.

Federal and State Agencies

U.S. Administration on Aging

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Social Security Administration

Pennsylvania Department of Aging

Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

Other Resources

American Association of Retired Persons

Amy’s Army
In our local community lives a young girl fighting a rare type of leukemia. Amy’s Army was organized to help her find a donor match for a bone marrow transplant (the only known cure). Click here for more information.

Alzheimer’s Disease resource information

On this page, we list select Pittsburgh Alzheimer’s Disease resource information, as well as links to some of the most helpful online sites. We also describe how our office can help address the legal needs of Pittsburgh Alzheimer’s Disease families.

Local Groups and Agencies
Online Resources
Legal Needs

Local Groups and Agencies

1. Alzheimer’s Association
Greater Pennsylvania Chapter Southwestern Regional Office.

  • Telephone help line answers questions about Alzheimer’s Disease and offers information about assessment centers, legal and financial issues, home care, adult daycare and care facilities.
  • Connects families and caregivers with family support groups.
  • Provides practical tips for coping and a listening ear for Pittsburgh Alzheimer’s Disease families.
  • Care planning assistance to identify unmet needs and to locate services.
    Assistance with family conflicts or crisis situations.
  • Books, audio tapes, videos and research updates available for sale or loan.
  • Identification products, and registration in a national database with a 24-hour toll free number, for persons with dementia.
  • Education sessions for families of persons recently diagnosed.
  • Family caregiver classes covering legal issues, communication techniques, behavior management, community resources, long-term planning and medical and research information.

1100 Liberty Avenue
Suite E-201
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
412-261-5040 or toll free 800-652-3370

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2. Area Agencies on Aging

Area Agencies on Aging (AAA’s), funded by the Older Americans Act, are staffed with caseworkers who can assist you with questions about nursing facilities, local programs for seniors, and other services for the elderly. For those providing care to a senior citizen, the local AAA can provide assistance, supportive service, or advice. Other services include:

  • APPRISE: A free health insurance counseling program designed to help Pennsylvanians, age 60 and older. APPRISE volunteer counselors are specially trained to answer consumer questions and offer education about Medicare, HMO’s, long-term care insurance, supplemental insurance, and Medicaid benefits. APPRISE services are free, objective, and completely confidential.
  • Ombudsman: The Ombudsman Program advocates for nursing home and personal care residents. If you experience problems at such a facility, call your local Ombudsman for assistance.
  • Protective Services: If you are aware of abuse or neglect of an older person, the local AAA will take your call within 24 hours and begin an investigation within 72 hours.

Allegheny Co. AAA
441 Smithfield St. Bldg.
2nd Floor, Suite 300
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2219
Tel: (412) 350-4234
Fax: (412) 350-4330
Web Site: www.county.allegheny.pa.us/dhs/AAA
Email: rhester@county.allegheny.pa.us
Apprise: (800) 344-4319 or (412) 350-7352
Ombudsmen: (412) 350-4032
Protective Services: (800) 344-4319

Butler Co. AAA
111 Sunnyview Circle, Ste. 101
Butler, PA 16001-3547
Tel: (724) 282-3008
Toll Free: (888) 367-2434
Fax: (724) 282-1466
Email: aaainfo@co.butler.pa.us
Apprise: (888) 367-2434 or (724) 282-3008
Ombudsmen: (724) 282-3008
Protective Services: (724) 283-6955

Beaver Co. Office on Aging
Stone Point Landing, Ste. 202
500 Market Street W. Bridgewater
Beaver, PA 15009
Tel: (724) 728-7707 or (724) 847-2262
Fax: (724) 728-6036
Web Site: www.BCoA.Us
Email: aging@co.beaver.pa.us
Apprise: (724) 728-7707
Ombudsmen: (724) 847-2262
Protective Services: (800) 272-0567

Southwestern PA AAA, Inc.
Fayette, Greene, Washington Counties
Eastgate 8
Monessen, PA 15062
Tel: (724) 684-9000
Toll Free: (800) 342-8980
Fax: (724) 684-6581
Web Site: www.swpa-aaa.org
Email: grenfell@swpa-aaa.org
Apprise: (800) 342-8980 ext. 4438 or (724) 684-9000
Ombudsmen: (724) 684-9000 ext. 4424
Protective Services: (800) 537-2424

Armstrong Co. AAA
120 South Grant Ave., Suite 4
Kittanning, PA 16201
Phone: 724-548-3290
Fax: 724-548-3296
Toll-Free: 800-368-1066
Web Site: https://co.armstrong.pa.us/index.php/departments-m/area-agency-on-aging-m


Apprise: (800) 368-1066 or (724) 548-3290
Ombudsmen: (724) 548-3290
Protective Services: (800) 732-6618

Westmoreland County AAA
200 South Main Street
Greensburg, PA 15601
Tel: (724) 830-4444
Toll Free: (800) 442-8000
Fax: (724) 830-4513
Web Site: www.co.westmoreland.pa.us/aging/site/default.asp
Email: aging@co.westmoreland.pa.us
Apprise: (800) 262-2103 or (724) 925-4213
Ombudsmen: (724) 837-3437
Protective Services: (800) 442-8000

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Online Resources

Alzheimer’s Association – national site.

Driving Assessment. Unsure about your loved ones ability to drive? This checklist provides guidance.

Needs Assessment This worksheet helps family members determine what types of assistance a loved one may need.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NINDS, part of the National Institutes of Health, provides information about Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and other neurological disorders affecting the elderly.

See our Links page for other useful sites.

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Legal Needs

Our office helps families of Alzheimer’s patients to address legal issues and protect assets, with a sensitivity to the particular needs of patients and their families.

In the early stages of dementia, a person often has sufficient capacity during lucid periods to understand and sign a durable power of attorney. A properly drafted power of attorney can appoint an agent to make decisions when the signer is no longer able to do so. It is also effective in avoiding the need for court-appointed guardianship, and can ease the way for protection of assets under the Pennsylvania Medicaid Law.

With costs of skilled nursing care averaging $90,000 per year in Pennsylvania, an estate can deplete quickly. If someone you love is now in a nursing home, or is expected to be, we can assist you in ensuring needed nursing home care while protecting assets under the Pennsylvania Medicaid law.

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